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Q: What Dark relatively flat regions of the moon's surface that were formed when interior lava filled large basins are called?
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Dark-colored, relatively flat regions of the moon's surface that were formed when interior lava filled large basins are called?

A maria

What are dark colored relatively flat regions of the moon's surface formed when interior lava filled large basins?

The lunar maria (singular: mare) are large, dark, basaltic plains on Earth's Moon, formed by ancient volcanic that won't fit in my crossword _ _ _ _ amaria

Why does the moon appear to have dark patches on its surface?

The dark patches on the Moon are large plains which were formed by lava flows early in the Moon's history. In the past, the Moon was heavily bombarded by the material leftover from planet formation. Some of the objects which hit the Moon were very big and formed large impact basins. These basins were then flooded by the darker volcanic material from the Moon's interior. The lava flows covered any craters in their path, so these plains have very few craters compared to other places on the Moon. People once thought that these dark patches were seas on the Moon, so these regions were given the name "maria" which is the latin word for seas. The maria cover about seventeen percent of the Moon's surface and are found mainly on the side of the Moon facing Earth

When objects hit the moon they created craters or?

impact basins or is it magnetic fields? yea its impact basins!!

What are the large circular features on the moons surface?

The very largest impact features on the Moon are the enormous impact basins: great circular plains from 300 to more than a thousand kilometers across

Related questions

Dark-colored relatively flat regions of the Moon's surface that were formed when interior lava filled large basins are called?

A maria

Dark-colored, relatively flat regions of the moon's surface that were formed when interior lava filled large basins are called?

A maria

What are dark colored flat regions of the Moon's surface formed when interior lava filled large basins?

Do you have mrs swartzentruber for science? Cuz if u do I have the answer! Meet me in the small commons by where you put your lunch trays!

What are dark colored relatively flat regions of the moon's surface formed when interior lava filled large basins?

The lunar maria (singular: mare) are large, dark, basaltic plains on Earth's Moon, formed by ancient volcanic that won't fit in my crossword _ _ _ _ amaria

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Mountain and Basins/ Coastal plains region

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mountains and basins

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mountains & basins

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The mountains and Basins region is found in far west Texas. There tend to be 150 mountains in the ranges. There are many basins, plateaus and deserts and rivers in the regions. One of the many known mountains and basins regions is Big Bend National Park. These regions are the driest of all regions. The natural vegetation include grasses, shrubs, desert plants in plateaus and basins and pine forests in the mountains. This region is sometimes referred to as the "trans-Pecos" meaning "across the river". ----------------Animals of the Region------------ Mountain Lion- Bighorn Sheep- -Horned Toad Quail- -Roadrunner

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Wyoming has 3 main land regions. They are the Great Plains, the Rocky Mountains, and the Intermontane Basins.

Does Uranus have basins?

No. Uranus is a gas planet; it has no solid surface.

what are the two divisions of earth's surface?

Ocean basins and continents

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continental margins and ocean basins