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In the cold regions, probably what they raise; sheep, cattle, goats, etc.

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Q: What Did Eurasian Like To Eat?
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How do you use Eurasian in a sentence?

Eurasian is a race. So you can write something like "Tom is an Eurasian"

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Are badgers predators?

Badgers are primarily omnivores. Eurasian Badgers have one of the most varied diet of all animals in the Carnivora family, only Raccoons and bears have a more varied diet. Eurasian Badgers primarily eat earthworms, often digging up gardens for them. Eurasian Badgers are often blamed for doing this. Eurasian Badgers also eat roots, seeds, fungi, blackberries, strawberries, apples, rabbits, voles, shrews, slugs, snails, mice and hedgehogs. Eurasian Badgers can dig with remarkable speed. Eurasian Badgers also occasionally eat snakes, lizards, frogs, and birds, like the occasional poultry. Eurasian Badgers have also very occasionally killed lambs. Because of their durability and tenacity, Eurasian Badgers have few predators. Eurasian Lynx (most likely a competitor), wolves, Siberian Tigers and bears (black and brown) may pose a threat. But Eurasian Badgers themselves can be vicious competitors: Eurasian Badgers often let Raccoon Dogs in their dens. But the dogs have to be careful not to overstay their welcome, otherwise they will be badly injured, drived out or killed. There has been cases of Red Foxes being attacked when they encounter: one incident shows a Red Fox going up to a bowl, only to be attacked and grabbed at the tail by a Eurasian Badger, thrashing it around and the fox ran away. Eurasian Badgers have also been known to drive vixens out of their dens and destroying the litter without eating them.

What Eats Eurasian Eagle Owls?

Very Few Predators Eat This Predator But A Common Heron Might Gobble A Eurasian Eagle Owl. Other Likely Predators Include Lynxes, Wolverines, Wolves And Other Eurasian Eagle Owls.

What do Eurasian tree sparrow eat?

mostly seeds. scrambled eggs with some water.

Eurasian shrub evergreen like the rosebay?


What is the name of the plate which Britain located on?

the UK is on the Eurasian plate, this answer comes form a 13 year old English schoolgirl :)

What do bird eat a wild bird?

Birds of prey eat other birds, as do some corvids (crows), for instance Eurasian Magpies eat the eggs and chicks of small songbirds.

What is the importance of trans-Eurasian?

what is the importance of the tran-eurasian

What is special about Eurasian children?

Nothing. They are people too. I am Eurasian.

When was Eurasian Union created?

Eurasian Union was created in 2015.

What is the population of Eurasian Union?

The population of Eurasian Union is 167,454,573.