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The Triceratops is a herbivorous animal dinosaur that existed during the Cretaceous period. One of its most distinctive features is the shape of its skull which includes a horn at the front of its face, similar to a rhino.

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Q: What Dinosaur looked like a rhino?
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What dinosaur charged at its enemy like a rhino?

Ceratopsians had horns which could be used for defense. If they had to fight, they would have done so head-on, like a rhino.

Is a rhino a dinousaur?

No the rhino is not a dinosaur because dinosaurs have been gone for thousands of years and rhinos wouldn't be alive if it was a dinosaur and that is your answer.

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No. Dinosaurs are and were reptiles. Rhinoceroses are mammals, not reptiles. The horn on a rhino does not give any merit to make one think that a rhino is or should be related to the dinosaurs in any way, no matter how you look at it.

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Can people make Dinosaurs from the bones they found?

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No one. Dinos did not evolve into rhinos.

What did the protergyrinus dinosaur look like?

This species is not a dinosaur, but rather an anthracosaur, a type of temnospondyl amphibian closely related to reptiles, birds, and mammals. If you want to know what it looked like, think of a crocodile with more amphibian-like skin.

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