

What Does metamorphsis mean?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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12y ago

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metamorphosis is a biological process by which an animal physically develops after birth or hatching

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we have babes and that just have a egg

Do maggots go through complete metamorphsis?

no cos they aint hit puberty yet.

Can you think of examples of metamorphsis?

A example would be the motamorphosis of a butterfly, which is it's life cycle.

Do dragonflies go though incomplete or complete metamorphsis?

The Dragonfly goes through incomplete metamorphosis.

What is the final stage of metamorphsis?

Adult. The life cycle for complete metamorphosis goes: Egg ---> Larvae ---> Pupae ---> Adult

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it goes i incomplete metamorphsis

Does a bee go into metamorphsis?

Yes. A honey bee starts as an egg, turns into a pupa, then a larva and then hatches as a fully formed bee. The whole process takes 21 days.

Does a crab go through metamorphosis?

they do not undergo complete metamorphosis because, unlike a butterfly, they do not completley change themselves.