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Hartford is the capital city in Connecticut. Hartford is on the Connecticut River.

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Q: What Eastern capital city is on the Connecticut River?
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What is the capital of of Connecticut?

Hartford is the capital city in the U.S. state of Connecticut.

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Baton Rouge is the capital city in Louisiana. It is located on the eastern bank of the Mississippi River.

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Baton Rouge is the capital city in Louisiana. It is located on the eastern bank of the Mississippi River.

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Connecticut is nicknamed the Constitution State as well as the Nutmeg State. Connecticut is named after the Connecticut River, a major U.S. river that approximately bisects the state. Its capital city is Hartford.

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Hartford is the capital city of Connecticut.

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Baton Rouge is the capital city in Louisiana. It is located on the eastern bank of the Mississippi River.

Why is Hartford the capital of Connecticut?

Central location in the state, most populous city in the 17th century, access to the Connecticut river.

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Baton Rouge is the capital city in Louisiana. It is located on the eastern bank of the Mississippi River.

What is the capital city of Louisiana is on the Mississippi what is its name?

Baton Rouge is the capital city in Louisiana. The city is located on the eastern bank of the Mississippi River.