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Q: What English monarch who stressed balance of power between European nations?
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How did the Congress of Vienna respond to the Napoleonic Wars?

By working to establish a balance of power between European states

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None. English cars are European cars

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Because France was indispensable for the balance between the European powers.

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The body of water that lies between the British Isles and the European Mainland is the English Channel?

What ways was the congress of vienna a success?

the congress reestablished a balance of power among European countries and brought peace between the nations

In what ways the congress of Vienna a success?

the congress reestablished a balance of power among European countries and brought peace between the nations

Why was congress of Vienna considered a success?

the congress reestablished a balance of power among European countries and brought peace between the nations

In what ways was the congress of Vienna a success?

the congress reestablished a balance of power among European countries and brought peace between the nations

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The English Channel

What does the word balance mean?

It means an even level between more than one thing. Balance in food means not too sweet, not too sour, Just the right amount of meat to vegetable, etc.

What historians have increasingly viewed the colonial period as?

One in which the Puritans had been overlooked. One of contact between European and native populations. One in which the settlement of the Caribbean have been stressed too much.