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Q: What European call the state Americans call the what?
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What major ethnic groups living in the state of Maryland?

Native Americans, European Americans and African Americans.

Which continent did the first Americans migrate from?

in what we call now New York State

What were the advantages of European exploration on the Native Americans?

There were many adnvantages and disadvantages of European exploration on the Native Americans

Why did they dall soccer football in Germany?

They don't call it football they call it fussball. This means football in English. They call it football like most European countries because they aren't idiots like the americans.

What were some strategies used by European Americans to make life more difficult for native Americans?

I don't really know but the European Americans took land from the native americans

What were the effects of the european immigration on the native americans?

The Europeans started to use the Native Americans as slaves.

What was the Impact of European land claims on Native Americans?

European lands claim to Native Americans by battleing their fears

What religion is most common religion in European Americans?

The majority of European Americans tend to be Christian, but there are many European Americans that Jewish, Muslim, various New Age Religions, Wiccans, and even a few polytheists

What do the Americans call thongs?

Americans call a thong a thong.

What is native Americans' adopting European styles of dress a example of?

Native Americans didn’t adopt European dress unless they were forced to.

What is Americans top European vacation destination?

The top European tourist destinations for Americans are divided between London, Paris and Rome.

What do the french call Americans in slang terms?

they call Americans Pigs