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Q: What Ferdinand v and Isabella sponsored his first voyage?
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What country sponsored Vespucci's expedition?

King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella, so Spain sponsored him.

Who sponsored cloumbus first voyage?

Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand sponsored (gave him money) his voyage. They gave him 3 ships called the the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria.

Who was one of the spanish rulers who financed columbus' voyage?

King Ferdinand of Spain agreed to finance Columbus. In return for financing the voyage's of Columbus, the King wanted all of the gold, spices, and riches that he might find.

What is an fact about Isabella the first?

queen Isabella sponsored christopher Columbus voyage. first woman to be on a u.s coin.

Ferdinand V and issabella sponsored his first voyage?

Christopher Columbus.

Who sponsored Amerigo Vespucci first voyage?

Amerigo Vespucci sailed for Portugal, his homeland, so Portugal sponsored his voyage.

What country gave christopher Columbus a ship to go on a expedition?

Queen Isabella of Spain sponsored Columbus' first voyage.

What people financed the first European voyage to the new world?

tumari ma NEW RESPONDENT The Sovereigns of Spain Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon, who financed Cristobal Colon's first voyage.

What were the names of the two Spanish monarchs who paid for Columbus' expedition?

It was King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella the first of Spain. Ferdinand (1452-1516) was Ferdinand II of Aragon and Ferdinand V of Castille following his marriage to Isabella I, queen of Castille (1451-1504).

Why did King Ferdinand sponsor Christopher Columbus?

They first sponsored his voyage because they believed it would lead to China and the wealth that would come with it. Then they sponsored his subsequent voyages to gain wealth from the Americas!

Who did Columbus get permission from to sail on his first voyage?

th king of france No, actually he recieved financing for his expedition from King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain.

What was the significance of Ferdinand Magellan voyage which began in 1519?

It was the first European voyage to sail around the Cape of Good Hope in Africa. It was the first voyage to circumnavigate, or sail around, the globe. It was the first voyage to sail through he Northwest Passage.