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Q: What Frogs and toads begin their lives as?
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What lives in the water and can hop?

Frogs and toads, which you do realize is one of your categories.

How did the frogs begin their lives?

As tadpoles

What lives on land and in water?

an amphibion, those like frogs or toads and some reptiles

What lives in water and land?

an amphibion, those like frogs or toads and some reptiles

Do frogs and toads jump?

frogs only jump toads walk

What are newborn frogs and toads called?

Well we have two things, newly hatched frogs and toads are tadpoles. New frogs and toads who have recently become frogs and toads from tadpoles are called froglets and toadlets,

How is ThunderClan different from ShadowClan?

Shadowclan lives near swamps and eat lizards,frogs and toads.

Frogs are different from toads because frogs?

Frogs hop, toads run or walk is a quick visual clue Frogs long strong legs Frogs jump and toads walk or run

What animals specific animals lives in the amizon rainforest?

birds, toads, frogs, lizards, alligators, and more

Are frogs and toads vertebrates or invertebrates?

They are vertebrates.

Who sleeps with eyes open toads or frogs?


Where does a toads and a frogs lives?

humid and damp places. lol your English is a total fail but dw its unique and awesome!