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Hamster can have the following:

Apple (seedless)


Black Berries

Blue Berries

Cherries (Remove stone)



Grapes (seedless)

Kiwi Fruit




Peach (Remove stone)

Pear (seedless)

Plums (Remove stone)




Watermelon (seedless)

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Q: What Fruit can hamsters eat do not tell you about the herb?
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Can a guinea pig eat dragon fruit?

No hamsters can not eat dragon fruit because the seeds will choke them

What an hamsters eat?

hamsters eat many different things: vegetables, seeds, nuts, some types of fruit, bread. my hamsters favourite is celery :)

Why can't hamsters eat fruit?

they have alot of sugar in theme

Tell me what grains hamsters eat?

Hamsters dont eat a lot of grain but there is some. There is some dried fruit grain and little nuts, mainly they will eat dried fruits or vegies. DO NOT over feed then or they can become Diabetic. But fresh fruit and vegetables will cause wet tail a potentially fatal form of diahhrrea. And if I were you a wouldn't give that to them.

Can hamsters have coconut?

I'm pretty sure they can. Hamsters can eat most fruit if they like it. But it has to be sterilized, and probably dry.

Can hamsters eat dunkaroo crakers?

no they cant there to small they can eat veg,fruit and hamster food

What fruit and vegetable is all right for dwarf hamsters to eat?

apples and carrots

Can hamsters at age 20 week old eat fruit like pears?

Yes, most hamsters can eat pears, just NO citrus fruit at all this will make your hamster sick, they also can have apples, berries and grapes.

Do hamsters like fruit?

hamsters dont perticually like fruit but i guess that what u could give them they eat eny type of vegtable and of course they perfer it x libby x

What kind of apples can hamsters eat?

if hamsters eat any type of sugar, or anything that contains sugar, they can get really ill and even die. just stick to the normal hamster mix and fruit and veg

Is the bananas the best fruit?

no because i like strawberry's and Cherry's better, but not only that a banana isn't Even a fruit as a banana is a Herb, containing potassium witch as it happens is healthy, although the reasons why banana's sometimes get mistaken for a fruit is because the pail yellow bit we peel and eat is in fact a fruit, but the rest of it is a herb there for labelling it as a herb.

Can hamsters have golden sirup?

No! They can only eat hamster food, selected seeds fruit and veg