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To kick-start your MIP Intelligence career apply and get hired at Pets at Home.

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betray you friends and be a lil snitch

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Q: What GCSE's do i need to take to become a spy?
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What is it really like to be an spy And what do you need to know to become one?

You need basic training to be a spy since it requires that you track people and watch out for whatever things that they do.

How did the spy kids become spies?

Spy kids become spy's by training a lot and working hard if you really want to be a spy you can be one

Can you become a spy at age 10?

Be a spy

How do you become a EPF spy on club penguin?

What u do is go to the the building that has a telephone on it than answer the phone inside and take the test and if u get it u will be a spy

What tests do spy's need to take?

the need to take animal tests and chemistry test as well as scientific tests to be well known.

What college courses do you take to become a spy?

To become a spy, individuals typically pursue degrees in fields such as international relations, political science, criminal justice, or languages. Courses in these fields can help develop skills in analysis, critical thinking, communication, and cultural understanding that are valuable for a career in espionage. Additionally, taking classes in cybersecurity, intelligence operations, and counterterrorism can also be beneficial.

How do you take the test on club penguin to become a spy in the phone room?

Enter the Everyday Phoning Facility, answer the phone, and take the test.

Where do you go to become a spy?

you go to the headquarters in spy island

How did molly pitcher become a spy?

was molly picher a spy

How do you become a spy agent what qualifications do you need?

dr. doofenschmirtz is up to something go get 'em agent p

How do you get the finger print from the birstro on spy island on poptropica?

first become a chef a person will say could you get me a refil take the glass plusto be a chef you need to pass a test the test is about remebering ingredients

How do you become a spy for fun?

all you have to do is just spy on anyone just like this