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Q: What German soldiers some of them Hessian's were hired to fight for Britain?
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What were the soldiers called that Britain paid to fight in the American revolution?

The German soldiers that were paid by the British to fight in the Revolutionary War were called "Hessians".

What side did the hessians fight for?

They were on the British side; They were loyal to the King.

Determined to win against the Americans king George hired German soldiers to fight for Britain?

Yes, King George hired German soldiers to fight for Britain

Countries that fought for Britain?

there were German mercenaries that fought for Britain in the American revolutionary war called hessians, Australia and Canada helped fight WWI and WWII for Britain, Britain also recruits nepalese soldiers which are called gurkhas and are still part of the britsih army, India in colonial times were occupation soldiers in Asia for Britain too.

What special soldiers did British hire to fight in the war?

They were German soldiers. About half of them were from German region of Hesse and the other were from other small German small reigns. For that reason they were called "Hessians" without distinction by the Americans.

Who were the Hessians?

the hessians were professional soldiers that were hired to fight for britain that needed mercenaries "Hessian" is a name given to all German troops deployed by the Crown Forces during the American War of Independence (most were from the German state of Hess). They were auxilliary troops who were "rented" out by their rulers, a fairly common military practice in 18th century Europe. King George III was of German descent and had family loyalties with some of the German princes, who loaned their troops to Britain.

Where were the mercernaries from that fought against the colonists?

Britain hired German mercanaries known as Hessians to fight the colonists, they had a reputation as bloody and fierce warriors

Why did European officers fight in the revolutionary war?

European officers, such as the French, were sent in to help train American soldiers. On the other side of the story the German Hessians were paid by the British to help them, why? Because the Hessians were known for their brutality.

Britain's hiring soldiers from to fight the colonists infuriated North Americans?

King George III hired about 18,000 German mercenary soldiers called "Hessians" to augment British forces. The Americans were infuriated because the Germans were known for their brutal methods plus the Americans considered it to be a "family" war.

What Germen soldiers were hired to fight the British?

They were called Hessians, because many of them came from the Hesse-Kassel principality (of the Holy Roman Empire, in Germany), which "rented" conscripted soldiers to George III in order to finance opulent lifestyles for the "Landgrave" or ruler of the region, Frederic II (1720-1785).

The German mercenaries hired to fight the American rebels were known as what?


What German solidiars some of them Hessians were hired to fight for the British?
