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a oligarchy.

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Q: What Government was ruled by a few rich men?
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What type of government did the ancient Greeks invent?

The government started out by having a few rich men lead their city-state. But later that switched to democracy. A government ruled by the people. Today in America we still use this form of government.

What where greek city states run by?

Each city-state, or polis, had its own government. Some city states were monarchies ruled by kings or tyrants. Others were oligarchies ruled by a few powerful men on councils. The city of Athens invented the government of democracy and was ruled by the people for many years.

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Who could participate in the government of Maryland?

White men who were rich

What is a difference between the governments of Athens and Sparta?

Sparta was ruled by only a few of its men, but Athens was ruled by all of its male citizens.

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Generally Egyptian society was ruled by men, but there were indeed a few woman Pharaohs; the most famous of which was Hatshepsut

What is a dating website that has rich men?

There are multiple websites out there that are dedicated to just finding rich men. Just do a search on any search website and you should find a few. Try a couple out before you stick to just one.

Was there a lot of rich men in ancient china?

Yes...many more rich men than rich women.

What are different kinds of goverenment in the world?

Gosh... Where to begin Democracy-government of the people Patriarchy-government of men Matriarchy-government of women Oligarchy-government of few Aristocracy-government of the rich Plutocracy-government of the poor Communism-one leader who has control over people and economy Dictatorship-one person has control over government matters and the military Monarchy-government of a king or queen Feudalism-serfs given land for staying loyal to one king

Was Julius Caesar ever emperor?

No, Julius Caesar was never an emperor. He was a dictator, with all the powers of an emperor, but he ruled during the republican form of government, and received his office under the republican system. The men who historians refer to as emperors ruled under the principate form of government which was different from the republic.

How much money does a cabin member make in George Washington's time compared to today?

They didn't make any salary or money in their position. Washington never took a salary as well. The men who were involved in the early years of the government were rich. Fifty five rich white men wrote the constitution and were part of the new government.

Who ruled the Mayan city?

Men did...when they died...their sons ruled...and so on and so forth.