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There were independent city states, not an empire.

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Q: What Greece many island and mountainous nature encouraged what political development?
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What did the mountainous land in Greece encouraged the Greeks to do?

Many Greeks became sailors and traded with other people.

What was one cause of the development of many small independent city-states in ancient Greece?

the mountainous terrain of Greece refulted in widely scattered settlements.

Explain how the geography of Greece affected farming in the region?

The mountainous terrain of Greece made it challenging for large-scale agriculture. However, farmers utilized terracing and irrigation systems to cultivate crops like grapes, olives, and grains in the limited arable land. The proximity to the sea also allowed for fishing and trade, which supplemented the agricultural economy.

What geographical feature encouraged the development of independent city states in Greece?

The Greek archipelago.

Why was it so hard to travel or walk around ancient Greece?

because Greece was very mountainous and rocky.

What geographical feature encouraged the development of independent city states in Ancient Greece?

The Greek archipelago.

What geographic feature served as a barrier to political unity and encouraged the rise of independent city-states in ancient Greece?

When the nomadic Greek peoples settled in Greece, the various tribes took over a section of river valley or plain surrounded by mountains, separated from each other and so established separate communities and governance.

What role did mountainous regions in ancient Greece have?

They split the population into separate communities leading to the development of separate independent city-states.

Which geographic feature most directly influenced the development of greek city states?

Greece is mountainous and settlement grew up in separated fertile areas which became independent city-states.

How did the geography of Greece influence the development of city-states?

The mountainous terrain of Greece made it so that the city-states were separated In which case made it so that they didn't have the same form of governments.

How did the geography of Greece influenced the development of city states?

The mountainous terrain of Greece made it so that the city-states were separated In which case made it so that they didn't have the same form of governments.

How did the geography of Greece influence the development of city state?

The mountainous terrain of Greece made it so that the city-states were separated In which case made it so that they didn't have the same form of governments.