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Q: What Greek city states were in the Trojan war?
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Who was fighting during the Trojan War?

A consortium of Greek city-states looting the rich cities of Asia Minor.

Who were the two opposing armies of the Trojan War?

Troy was attacked by a fleet, gathered from several of the Greek city states under the command of Agamemnon.

How did Odysseus win the Trojan War for the Greek army?

With his Trojan Horse trick to gain entry to the impregnable city walls.

What similarities did the Persian war have with the Peloponnesian war?

They were different - one was Persia versus a coalition of Greek city-states; the other was Greek city-states versus Greek city-states.

Is the greek troy a person?

No. Troy was a city in Turkey that the Trojan War took place in.

Which side win the Trojan war?

The Greek won the Trojan war

Is the Trojan war Greek or Roman?


The Trojan War was against Greece and Troy?

The Trojan War was fought between the Greek city-states and the city of Troy. According to the myth, the ten-year war was fought over Helen, wife of Menelaus of Sparta, the most beautiful woman in the world. However, a real Trojan War would likely have been a series of raids and assaults by the Greeks for the purposes of pillaging and/or trade issues.

What race are the Trojans in the Trojan War?

The city of Troy was in Greece, so the Trojans would be Greek.

Between what two Greek city-states was the Trojan war?

The Trojan war took place around 1180 B.C. and it was not between two city states, but between two alliances: the greek city states of Mycyne, Sparta, Argos, Ithaka, Pylos, Mermidon and others versus Troy and their allies (Thracians, Amazons, Masagetai, and so on). Mythology states that the reason for the war was the abduction of Helen (of Troy), Queen of Sparta and wife to Menelaos by a Trojan prince named Paris. Menelaos asked his brothers' help, Agamemnon (King of Mycynes) to punish the Trojans. Agamemnon called all the greek kings to his side: Achilles of Myrmidon, Odysseus/Ulysees of Ithaka, Ajax of Telamon and others. On the other side Paris had his brother Hektor, Aineias, and others. The war lasted 10 years. The ancient Greek poet Homer told the history of the Trojan War in a 10.000 verse poem, called the Illiad.

Why has the Trojan war become the subjects of many greek myths?

The Trojan War comes from Greek myths and legends.

Why has the Trojan War become the subject of many Greek myths?

The Trojan War comes from Greek myths and legends.