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Zeus is in many greek myths.

Lena and the swan, the war with the Titans, birth of perseus, Hercules, the tale of Troy, The Illiad, the story of Tiresias, etc...

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Q: What Greek myth or legend is Zeus in?
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What is a greek myth or legend?

a Greek myth or legend is a myth or legend originating from Greek origin. see, Daedalus and Icarus, Zeus,Poseidon, hades and thier father kronos, Theseus and the minotaur etcetcetc

Zeus the major myth he was involved or legend was?

All the Greek Gods like Zeus are considered to be Mythical

What is the story behind Zeus' name?

Zeus hmmm Zeus is a greek god a greek legend and a hero a greek king and he has a son called hhhhhheeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrccccccccccccccuuuuuuuulllllllllleeeeeeeeesssssss Zeus hmmm Zeus is a greek god a greek legend and a hero a greek king and he has a son called hhhhhheeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrccccccccccccccuuuuuuuulllllllllleeeeeeeeesssssss

Does Zeus have a lisp?

Not in Greek myth.

Is Zeus a myth or hero?

Zeus is a god in Greek mythology.

What is the Different between myth and Greek mythology?

greek mythology is myths or legends of gods and goddesses and stuff like hades and Zeus and aphrodite and Hermes and the things they did and where they lived but a myth is just a myth like a legend like bigfoot or the lochness monster and theyre not necessarily greek.

She was a powerful goddess, worshipped by many. The myth of her birth is that she sérouted straight out the head of Zeus, full-grown?

This Greek Goddess is the goddess of battle strategy and wisdom. Legend says that she was born from Zeus's skull and her mother was swallowed by Zeus. This Greek Goddess is Athena.

What are some of Zeus' Features?

what are some features of zeus the greek god

Did zeus kill Poseidon?

No Zeus did not kill Poseidon in Greek myth.

Who killer Zeus in the greek myth?

his mother

What myth was Zeus part of?

Greek Polytheism

Greek myth- who was king of the gods?

Zeus was.