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Q: What Indians lived in Mexico and United states during Columbus days?
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How did Many Of The Indians Were Killed during Columbus?

They got shot

Where did Columbus land in Mexico during his fourth voyage?

in the aztecs

How did Columbus hurt his relationship with the American Indians of Hispaniola during his first voyage to the Americas?

Columbus and his crew mistreated and enslaved the American Indians, leading to tensions and conflicts. He demanded tribute from the people and imposed harsh punishments, which caused resentment and hostility towards him and his men. Columbus's actions resulted in a deteriorating relationship with the American Indians of Hispaniola.

Who fought during the Mexican American War?

Mexico and the United States.

Who was fighting during the Mexican-American War?

The United States and Mexico.

Was New Mexico part of the North or South during the Civil War?

Neither. New Mexico was not a state of the United States.

Did Mexico attack the US?

Only during the Mexican Revolution (1910-1921) when Francisco "Pancho" Villa attacked the town of Columbus, NM in 1916. It is the only time Mexico has actually invaded the United States, also becoming the only foreign nation to actually invade American soil in its entire history.

What did the Indian's do during the Civil War?

during the civil war in New Mexico the Indians raided the towns roads and forts making it dangerous to travel.

What famous people are from Mexico?

Francisco Villa, scourge of Columbus during the Mexican Revolution.Miguel Hidalgo, priest and father of the Mexican Independence war.Benito Juarez, Oaxacan shepherd that became president of Mexico.

Where are crops exported from Mexico?

Most fruit grown in Mexico is exported to the United States, Europe and Japan markets during the winter season.

What year United States invades Mexico by sea?

Last time the US invaded Mexico by sea was during The Occupation of Veracruz, in 1914.

What was happening in the US during the Renaissance?

The United States did not exist during the Renaissance. The people here were the native Indians and they had little in the form of history.