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Q: What Indians lived in Redondo Beach before 1784?
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1200 Before Christ

Who lived in the United States before it was first colonised?

The Native Americans or American Indians lived in the United States before it was first colonized.

Who lived in the Kentucky area before it was settled?

The Chickasaw Indians among others.

Who are the Indians that lived in Arizona before it became a state?

The Apache, Navajo and Ute.

Who lived in Maryland before the Europeans came to settle?

The native Woodland Indians

Where are Squamish Indians from?

Squamish Indians lived in the northwest United States, before selling the land to the United States in 1861.

Where did the Kanakawa Indians live before they came to Texas?

thet lived in Texas the whole time they lived in the coastal plains

Who are the Indians who lived in Colonial America?

all the indians that lived

Why did Indians come to the us?

From what I know, and its not much, Indians have always lived in America. They were here before us. They have always been here.

Why were Indians important to Texas history?

the Indians had lived there before the Spanish had ever set foot on the land. later, when Texas was annexed into the united states, more people began to move into Texas. they moved further and further into Texas, taking the Indians lands. they were forced to move further and further into Texas. before that, Indians had been making raids on the people who lived there.

What did Comanche Indians live in?

the comanche indians lived in the texas plains they lived in tps

What ancient Indians lived in Peru?

The Incas are the anient Indians that lived in Peru.