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Q: What Is The Temperature Of Cinder Cone Lava?
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What type of lava does a cinder cone volcano have?

A cinder cone volcano has basaltic lava.

What is the lava of cinder cone volcanoes?

A cinder cone has basaltic lava, which has a fairly low viscosity.

What color is the lava of cinder cone volcanoes?

The color of cinder cone volcanoes is a blackish-gray.

What is inside the cinder cone volcano?


What kind of lava does a cinder cone have?

Not acid lava, basic magma.

How does lava flow from Cinder Cone volcanos?


Is hot gases the only thing that come out of a cinder volcano?

No. Cinder cone volcanoes erupt fountains of lava, which is how the cinder cone is built up. Cinder cones that are nearing the end of activity may also produce lava flows.

How does lava affect the cinder cone volcano?

makes it bigger

What type of lava do cinder cones have?

Basaltic. There is more gas content than in most basaltic magma so that when a cinder cone erupts, The pressure builds up and makes the eruption somewhat explosive. Tephra, or dried lava/magma, is shot up, and joined to the volcano making it larger.

Was Mount Tambora a composite cone or a cinder cone or a shield dome or a lava dome?

Tambora was a composite cone.

How are shield volcanoes and cinder cone volcanoes somewhat same?

Both erupt basaltic lava, which has a low silica content and a high temperature.

Why does a cinder cone volcanoes have such steep sides?

when lava flows down it the lava that stayed on it gets hard