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Q: What Italian explorer who landed in Americas?
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Christopher Columbus is the explorer who landed in San Salvador in 1492. He was a famous Italian explorer who sailed under the flag of Spain and is credited with discovering the Americas. His voyage marked the beginning of the European colonization of the New World.

Who is the Italian explorer the Americas are named after?

The Americas was named after an Italian explorer, Amerigo Vespucci

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Christopher Columbus is the explorer who reached the Americas under the flag of Castile. He is an Italian explorer, navigator, and colonizer.

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Giovanni Caboto is the name of the Italian explorer who landed in Newfoundland, Canada, but thought that he had found Cathay. The Italian-born explorer in question, known as John Cabot to English-speakers, landed in present-day Canada's northeastern extension even though he thought that he had reached ancient China. The pronunciation of the explorer's name will be "djo-VAN-nee ka-BO-to" in Italian.

What Italian explorer helped the Spanish gain a foothold in the Americas?

Christopher Columbus

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Christopher Columbus

What Italian explorer was paid by the Spanish and was the first European in the Americas?

Christopher Columbus

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Which explorer landed on Canada

Italian explorer who landed in present day Newfoundland but told people he had found cathay?

Ferdinand Magellan

When Columbus landed in Americas he thought he landed in?

in India

Why are north America and South America named for Amerigo Vespucchi?

Because Amerigo Vespucci was an Italian explorer and he discovered the americas.

What Italian explorer sailed south America Caribbean?

Christopher Columbus, unknowingly discovering the Americas on October 12, 1492.