

What Jedi master trained obi one?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Qui-Gon Jinn

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Q: What Jedi master trained obi one?
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Who is Obi-wan Kenobi's Jedi master. In the origional Star Wars movies it appears to be Yoda. In the Phantom Menace it appears to be another Jedi knight. Which one is it?

Obi-Wan Kenobi's master was Qui-Gon Jinn. But before a Jedi becomes a Padawan, their rank is that of a youngling and younglings are usually trained by Master Yoda until they are old enough to become a Padawan and are taken as an apprentice by a Jedi Knight

Who is obi-wan Kenobi's Jedi master that was not yoda in the original star wars movies it appears to be yoda in the phantom menace it appears to be another Jedi knight which one is it?

Qui-Gon Jinn was Obi-wan Kenobi's master. Obi-Wan states that Yoda trained him in the original movie's but I believe he was referring to his time as a youngling, before Qui-Gon chose him as a padawan.

Was obi one always a Jedi master?

No, he was a kid just like everyone else.

Who is Obi-wan Kenobi's Jedi master. In the original Star Wars movies it appears to be Yoda. In the Phantom Menace it appears to be another Jedi knight. Which one is it?

Master Obi Wan's master is Qui Gon Jin,in episode one, Qui Gon died fighting Darth Maul. After Qui Gon died though then Yoda was of course Obi Wan's master as proved in the old movies but the newer story.

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--Update-- Darth Revan of course. Revan was both Sith and Jedi, benefiting from the teachings of both, while Obi-Wan was nothing but an over rated Jedi Master.

Who is obi one?

if ur talking star wars, its spelled obi-wan. obi-wan kenobi is a jedi master and Anakin Skywalker's mentor. skywalker, fyi, is the guy who turns into vader.

Is yoda the best Jedi?

There are several debates about who is the best Jedi. But Yoda is one of the best since he is a grand master and he taught several famous Jedi such as Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker

Obi one oanobies rank in clone wars movie?

If you're asking what I think you're asking, Obi-Wan Kenobi was a general and Jedi Master during the Clone Wars.

Who is obi wan kenobi's Jedi master in the original star wars movies it appears to be yoda in the phantom menace it appears to be another Jedi knight which one is it?

qui-go jinn

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Jedi Padawans are granted the rank of Knighthood through initiation from the order. Then, once Knighted, the Jedi can take up one Padawan and are no longer taught by a Master.

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Qui Gon Jinn was the Jedi Master that trained Obi Wan Kenobi in episode one. Also in episode one he was killed by Darth Maul. Then Obi Wan Kenobi killed Darth Maul by cutting him in half on the planet of Naboo. Whether or not that makes either better than the other is a matter of personal opinion.

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You can become one by being kind, loving, generous, and peacemaking. Those are the real traits of a jedi. You must be trained by a jedi master and you must go successfully complete the jedi trials. Years of dedication is required. -Oh, and you're not allowed to love.