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One of the programs was Civil Rights Act and Tax Reduction Act.

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Q: What Kennedy programs did Johnson help pass?
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How did the 1964 election help President Johnson?

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Why was President Johnson more successful than President Kennedy in pushing his measures through Congress?

President Johnson was able to pass social legislation that JFK could not because of Johnson's political capital. Johnson was a longtime Texas senator with much power in the back rooms where decisions are actually made.

What was a set back for president Kennedy when he tried helping the civil rights movement?

He could not get Congress to pass the Civil Rights Act. It was his successor president Johnson who finally got it passed into law.

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Because Kennedy promised to help pass laws for equal rights for all and end segregation. However he wasn't able to get enough support in congress, particularily with southern democrats ("dixiecrats"). Lyndon Johnson was supposed to help out with that but LBJ didn't do squat for JFK so pretty much none of Kennedy's proposals were listened to -- one notable exception being the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

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