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The Incas

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Q: What Latin American tribe practiced terrace farming?
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Which type of agriculture is practiced the least in Latin America?

Paddy Farming

What are 3 industries in Latin American economics?

fishing farming and mining (yall welcome)

What is the main religion practiced in Latin America?


Which Latin American cultural characteristics demonstrate the influence of early colonists?

Well, the Latin American characteristics demonstrate the influences are: Roman Catholicism is the most widely practiced religion. Calypso music is the most popular music form. African folk religions are practiced in the Caribbean.

The most common type of farming in Latin America is?

subsistence farming

Which statement best describes the economy in Latin America during the colonial times?

European nations practiced a mercantilistic system in latin America

What is the main religion practiced in Latin Amerca?


How do some Latin American governments justify the destruction of the rain forests?

Cattle raising, farming, and mining in the rain forest will help the economy.

What is the controversial Spanish tradition that's practiced in several Latin American countries?

There are several possibilities, but it's likely you're referring to bullfighting.

When did racism start in L Latin American history?

Since ever. Even before the conquest of the Americas by European settlers, many Native American civilizations practiced conquest and slavery of less advanced peoples. Some cultures (Mayans, Aztecs) even practiced human sacrifice with their conquered enemies.

Is the protestant the most widely practiced religion in Latin America?

No, Catholicism is the most widely practiced religion in Latin America. Protestantism has been growing in the region, but Catholicism remains dominant.

Where are the natural resources of Latin America?

Oil and farming