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Q: What List three other types of evidence that plants existed in Antarctica.?
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What vegetation is missing in Antarctica the world's largest refrigerator?

Trees and numerous other small plants are missing in Antarctica. For the most part, the Antarctic climate is much too cold and dry (and dark in the winter) for larger plants to survive.

How the animals and plants survive in Antarctica?

In general there are no animals or plants living on the Antarctic continent, it is too cold. Some penguins and other sea birds visit. However the oceans around Antarctica contain many living things.

What is one of the indications that the earth's climate has varied over time?

Fossils. We find fossils of tropical plants in areas that are definitely not warm today, such as Antarctica and Greenland. There are other, more complicated pieces of evidence as well, but that's one of the easiest to understand.

What plants and animals lived with the megalodon shark?

The megalodon shark existed alongside many other plants and animals in the Oligocene Epoch. An example is the hyaenodon horridus.

Which continent are pumpkins not grown on?

As far as we know, Antarctica is the only continent without pumpkins (and most other plants). It is possible that some are grown experimentally at the scientific stations.

Was there any extra biblical evidence that Israel existed as a nation before 1947?

As a nation, like as a peoples, and as a kingdom, there's a lot of archaeological evidence as well as other nations' histories and writing evidence. Then of course there's the Bible.

What type of plants and animals existed them in the ancient mesopotamia?

Yes! There was domesticated wheat, barley, grapes, olives, and other plants. As of animals there was sheep, cattle, goats, and pigs.

Was the Pangaea the only the only super-continent to have existed Explain your answer.?

No,because geologist have evidence that,before Pangaea existed, other supercontinents formed and split apart over billions of years. And the answer is right because i took it out of the Science book!!

When did Saint Olivia die and why?

Olivia is a fictional character who achieved a large following when her story was mistaken for a real biography. In other words, there is no evidence that Olivia ever existed.

Was vampires once real?

While there are stories of vampires and vampire like creatures in the mythologies of most cultures, there is no scientific or other evidence that vampires have ever existed. So, no.

Why do wolves live in Antarctica and other places?

There are no wolves in Antarctica.

What continents are in Antarctica?

Antarctica is its own continent and contains no other.