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Studies have found that respiration can alter the blood volume levels to the fingertips. When inhaling the blood volume levels can increase whilst the blood levels can decrease in the fingertips when exhaling. This is because respiration causes fluctuations in arterial blood pressure and heart rate.

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Q: What Mechanisms that cause changes blood volume to fingertips?
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Because otherwise it would drain out of your fingertips.

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What percent of blood volume loss is necessary for significant vital sign change?

Losing around 20% of your blood volume will put you into shock. NB: When your blood pressure falls, your body is unable to compensate through the normal mechanisms of control (such as the renin-angiotensin system in the kidneys, or constricting blood vessels) for the the loss of blood and the patient is in serious shock. If the blood loss is acute, the BP may rise initially due to the constriction of blood vessels etc.

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The mechanisms for transporting oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood are the lungs. The blood vessels are also needed for transporting oxygen and dispelling carbon dioxide.

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Control of blood pressure.

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Blood volume also falls.

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