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Q: What Muscle spindles are receptors sensitive to?
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What are muscle spindles sensitive to?


What are the sensory receptors used to monitor muscle tone?

muscle spindles

What are proprio receptors?

sense of position (Golgi tendon organ, muscle spindles, and joint receptors)

What are encapsulated nerve endings?

Hair follicle receptors

What is another name for muscle spindles?

Proprioceptors, stretch-reflex receptors.

What type of sensory receptors are made of very small skeletal muscle fibers?

muscle spindles

What type of sensory receptors are made up of very small skeletal muscle fiber?

muscle spindles

What type of sensory receptors are made up of very small skeletal muscle fibers?

muscle spindles

What sensory receptors are used by a runner during a marathon?

Two types of receptors that is the phasic receptors and the tonic receptors are used during running that keeps the body aware of the psychic of the body during each phase of the running.The phasic receptors include the rapidly adapting paccinian corpuscles which keeps the body aware of the instantaneous physical changes and the tonic receptors include the muscle spindles and the joint capsules which keep the psychic aware of the muscle tension and the stability of the joints.

What group of muscles have the most muscle spindles?

Muscle of the hand.

What receptors for deep pressure in the dermis and subcutaneous tissue control?

Lamellated Corpuscles They are phasic receptors for deep pressure, stretch, tickle, and vibration. They are found in the periosteum of bone, joint capsules, pancreas and other viscera, and deep in the dermis

If a cell has alpha adrenergic receptors is it sensitive to norepinephrine?

If a cell has α-adrenergic receptors, it is sensitive to