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What if the "star" isn't a star at all? What if the "moon" isn't what we know as the moon? Perhaps the "start" is actually the planet Venus and the "moon" is actually the planet Saturn? Think about it. It is physically impossible to ever observe a star superimposed in the concave area of the moon because for that to be possible the "star" would have to be an astronomical body that can be in position between the Earth and the Moon. And the "star" cannot be an object that sits further away then the moon - just because we see a crescent moon doesn't mean the moon is not a solid body and therefore not transparent. But suppose in very ancient times Saturn was much, much closer to earth and appeared essentially as large as the moon appear to us today. If it was that close to us then the earth could cast a shadow on Saturn in much the same way that it casts a shadow on the moon. Now further suppose that during a period that Saturn was appearing as a crescent that Venus passed between the earth and Saturn in such a way that it was not in the shadow of the earth but appeared in the area of the Saturn crescent. Viola - a "star" appearing against the background of a crescent. Yes - this definitely stretches the imagination, but this type of scenario was at least possible in the theories of Velikovsky and in recent years he is no longer being passed off as a nut case the way he was in the years between the time he wrote "Worlds in Collision" and his death in 1979.

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Q: What Name has the star in the crescent symbol?
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What does the crescent moon and star symbolize?

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