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Q: What Name one part of body where you have diploid cell?
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What part of the human body has diploid?

every where

What is the difference between a diploid and haploid cell?

Haploid cells are gametes, meaning they are reproductive cells. They have half the number of chromosomes as somatic cells. Diploid (somatic) cells are in every part of the body other than the gametes. The have twice the amount of chromosomes as in haploid cells. Haploid cells reproduce using meiosis, while diploid cells use mitosis.a haploid cell has half the amount of chromosomes of a diploid cell. human germ cells are haploids (the egg and sperm) they each contain 23 chromosomes.

What is the difference between diploid and a haploid cell?

Haploid cells are gametes, meaning they are reproductive cells. They have half the number of chromosomes as somatic cells. Diploid (somatic) cells are in every part of the body other than the gametes. The have twice the amount of chromosomes as in haploid cells. Haploid cells reproduce using meiosis, while diploid cells use mitosis.a haploid cell has half the amount of chromosomes of a diploid cell. human germ cells are haploids (the egg and sperm) they each contain 23 chromosomes.

What is the smallest part of the body that is alive?

The cell, is the smallest part of the body that is said to be alive.

What is a name for a very small island that is the same name as a body part?'s a type of cell also.

What part of a neuron houses the nucleus?

The cell body houses the nucleus.Cell body

What is metaphase a phase of?

It is a phase of the reproductive cycle of a cell. It is the part where the centrioles have separated and are drawing the chromosomes apart into two cell halves before they replicate the cell as a haploid or a diploid, depending on whether is a somatic cell or a sex cell.

Is the largest part of a typical neuron the cell body?

cell body XD

What part of the neuron is soma a part of?

Cell Body

What is the function of the cell body?

The cell body is the main part of the neuron. It maintains the health of the neuron.

Is organelles part of a cell?

oraganelle is another name for a part of a cell.

The part of the nerve cell in which the nucleus is located is the?

Soma or cell body