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Q: What New Deal programs helped farmers and homeownwes?
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Which legislation helped farmers?

The New Deal was a group of programs which helped farmers. Some groups that the New Deal introduced were the Agricultural Adjustment Administration, the Farm Security Administration, and the Rural Electrification Administration. These programs brought about major changes in rural farming areas.

This New Deal program helped farmers through price support subsidies?

Agricultural Adjustment Act This New Deal program helped farmers through price support subsidies.

The New Deal Program helped farmers through price support subsidies?

Agricultural Adjustment Act was The New Deal Program helped farmers through price support subsidies.

What two inventions helped early farmers deal with flooding?

Flooding was an extreme problem with the early farmers. The two inventions that helped them deal with the flooding problem were seed plows and irrigation systems.

What actions did the second new deal take to help farmers?

They started banging the fat out of Gene Benson and that helped the farmers.

How did the New Deal programs supported artists and writers in the 1930s?

the wpa helped artists and writers by giving them money.

How did the New Deal change the us?

FDR made many programs to help the people get jobs and food. AAA, CCC, TVA, PWA, SSA, WPA etc... were the new deal programs which helped the us economy.

How did the farmers deal with the issue of slavery?

slaves were farmers.

What did Franklin D. Roosevelt call his new programs?

The New Deal.

How the New Deal helped farmers?

T.Roosevelt passed the, FCA, Federal Credit Administration, the idea was to keep farmers from losing land.

What were made to farmers homeowners and exporters by new deal measures?

Loans were made to farmers, homeowners, and exporters by New Deal measures.

What happened to new deal programs when they were challenged in court?

The new deal programs that were challenged in court were withdrawn.