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Jean-Paul Sartre won The Nobel Prize in Literature in 1964.

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Q: What Nobel Prize did Jean Paul Sartre win and when was it awarded?
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Who was the first Nobel Prize winner to refuse the prize?

French Author Jean-Paul Sartre in 1964.

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Jean Dausset won The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1980.

Who refused the Nobel Prize?

French writer Jean-Paul Sartre .

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Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clezio won The Nobel Prize in Literature in 2008.

Who was the only laureate to refuse the Nobel prize?

Two laureates have refused the prize. Jean-Paul Sartre refused the Literature prize in 1964 Le Duc Tho of North Vietnam refused the Peace Prize in 1973 when Henry Kissinger was also awarded one after bombing Hanoi.

Which famous French thinker and author declined the nobel prize in 1964?

Jean-Paul Sartre, a renowned French philosopher and writer, declined the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1964. He refused the prize on the grounds that he did not believe in accepting official honors or awards.

Which french writer refused the nobel prize for literature?

Jean-Paul Sartre, a French writer and philosopher, refused the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1964. He declined the award due to his belief that writers should not align themselves with institutions or accept accolades that could compromise their independence.

Why did Jean Baptiste Perrin win The Nobel Prize in Physics in 1926?

The Nobel Prize in Physics 1926 was awarded to Jean Baptiste Perrin for his work on the discontinuous structure of matter, and especially for his discovery of sedimentation equilibrium.