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Q: What Organisms that live on other organisms and do not give anything in return are?
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What is consumer and decompose?

Producers are organisms that make their own food using sunlight (photosynthesis) consumers are organisms that eat producers or other consumers and decomposers are organisms that return the dead organisms to their primary components such as oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide

What is producers and consumers?

Producers are organisms that make their own food using sunlight (photosynthesis) consumers are organisms that eat producers or other consumers and decomposers are organisms that return the dead organisms to their primary components such as oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide

What is producers and decomposers?

Producers are organisms that make their own food using sunlight (photosynthesis) consumers are organisms that eat producers or other consumers and decomposers are organisms that return the dead organisms to their primary components such as oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide

What are organisms that can consume other organisms for energy?

Organisms that consume other organisms for energy are consumers.

Organisms that eat producers or other organisms for energy?

Organisms that eat other organisms for energy are hetreotrophs.

Living organisms come from other living organisms?

All living organisms have to have a host to create other organisms. This includes micro organisms as well as bacterial organisms

Are the lungs organisms?

No. The lungs are part of what makes humans or other organisms organisms but they are not organisms.

Organisms that eat other organisms are called?

Organisms that eat other organisms are called consumers or predators.

What are organisms that secure food by eating other organisms called?

Organisms that secure food by eating other organisms are called consumers. They obtain nutrients by consuming other living organisms.

What are organisms that feed on other organisms?

A Predator

What organisms get energy from other organisms?


Where does organisms live and that provide food?

Organisms live in habitats such as forests, oceans, and grasslands that provide them with food sources like plants, other animals, or microscopic organisms. The specific type of habitat determines the types of food available for the organisms living there.