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a heterotroph or consumer

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Q: What Organsim that obtains its food from other organisms?
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Organism that obtains its food from other organisms?

An organism that obtains its food from other organisms is known as heterotrophic. Autotrophic organisms include green plants, algae and chemobacteria that live in deep water trenches. Without autotrophs- no other life woudl exist. The real answer is a consumer.

What organism obtains it's food from other organisms?

Comsumers. Examples: humans, rabbits, whales, bears, etc.

What is an organisim that obtains food?

Sometimes called consumers. While producers produce the nutrients that other organisms eat, the consumers "obatin nutrients from other organisms".

An organism obtains food shelter and other resources from its?

An organism obtains food and resources from its habitat.

What does consumer mean in ecology?

"Consumer" in ecology means that Organisms obtains food by eating other organisms or plants, also called the producers. The reason they feed onto other organisms because they lack of the ability to manufacture their own food like plants. Plants can live on sunlight and water unlike other animals. Soo animals " Consume" food through other organisms

What is an organism that obtains organic food molecules by eating other organisms or their by products and that cannot synthesize organic compounds from inorganic materials?


What is a concumer?

an organism requiring complex organic compounds for food which it obtains by preying on other organisms or by eating particles of organic matter Invertebrates.

What is an organism that obtains organic food molecules by eating other organisms or their by products and that cannot syntheize organic compounds from inorganic materials?

I believe it is an heterotroph.

Defintion of commensalism?

One organism benefits anf the other is not harmed. FOr NOVANET.

What is an organism that must get food by eating other organisms?

Carnivores obtain the nutrients by eating another animal.

Is archaea a consumer?

It does eat. When it eats it eats nutrients

An organsim that makes its own food?

Plants. They use photosynthesis to create their food.