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Q: What Paying attention to text sizes to handle room size and audience location suggests you are paying attention to which visual aid criteria?
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One plausible theory suggests that hypnosis relieves pain by?

Distracting attention.

What is the difference between diligent and hardworking?

I think diligent suggests more attention to detail.

What implications does the egocentrism of audiences hold for you as a public speaker?

The egocentrism of audiences means that they may be primarily focused on themselves and their own interests or perspectives. As a public speaker, this suggests that it is important to tailor your message in a way that resonates with the audience's needs, values, and experiences to capture their attention and engage them effectively. It also highlights the importance of connecting with the audience on a personal level to create a meaningful and impactful presentation.

How does aside help an audience?

It gives the audience insight to the motives of the character speaking, in a manner that suggests that while the audience is getting that information, the other characters onstage are not, thus allowing the audience to follow the plot without "giving anything away" to the other characters involved in the story.

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Careful proofreading suggests that the author values attention to detail, professionalism, and accuracy in their work. It indicates a commitment to presenting their ideas or information clearly and effectively to the audience.

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Research suggests that side effects from Ritalin the drug used to treat attention deficit disorder may be caused by contamination of enantiomers or molecules that are mirror images of one another.

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The data would be approximately evenly distributed about and below the mean. This suggests a normal distribution, although there are other criteria involved in that.

Oedipus suggests he will cast out the one who has brought this suffering on his city a clear tension is created between what Oedipus knows and what the audience knows What literary device is present?

When the audience knows something that a character on stage doesn't know, it is called dramatic irony.

When Oedipus suggests he will cast out the one who has brought suffering on his city What literary device is used?

Dramatic irony: The audience knows that the speaker is condemning himself to exile.

What is a good attention getter for a speech about fashion?

Do NOT start off with that previous answer, that is not an attention-getter but a quick way to bore your audience. Good attention getters start off with a question, quote, shocking facts, etc. Something unique that, as the name suggests, grabs their attention. Here, it depends on what you want to focus on regarding fashion. If you want to talk about the dark secrets of fashion, for example, you can start with a shocking fact or statistic. If you want to talk about the history of fashion, you can start with a nice quote about it, maybe from a famous person in the past known for their impact on the fashion culture/industry.

Research on brain development suggests that repeated learning experiences seem to?

strengthen neural connections at the location that processes the experiences.

Which two sentence from the passage suggest that children or young adults are the intended audience?

The description of the main characters as "young students" suggests that the target audience is children or young adults. The mention of school activities like "classroom discussions and homework assignments" further indicates that the content is geared towards a younger audience.