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Cold working

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Q: What Plastic deformation such that work hardening does not occur is called?
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Can metamorphism occur without deformation?

Can deformation occur without metamorphism? (; sorry you should put the definitions in the description box when you're dealing with big words haha.

Is it true Elastic deformation occurs when a material deforms as stress is applied?

Up to a point, it is possible to elastically deform any material. If the force is released, the material relaxes back to its original shape. If a material is deformed too much, the deformation becomes permanent (plastic deformation) or fracture will occur in a non-ductile material such as glass.

Shaping control of injection molded part size?

Due to the difference in shape and size of some plastic parts, deformation and warping will occur in different situations with the change of temperature and pressure loss after demoulding.

Are all minerals brittle?

This depends on the confining pressure, the temperature and the strain rate applied to the mineral. In general for minerals (and other materials), the lower the rate of strain, the more likely ductile or plastic creep deformation will occur. The higher the strain rate, the more likely brittle deformation is to occur. As the confining pressure increases, an objects shear strength will increase (this usually coincides with a greater depth of burial) and due to the earth's thermal gradient an increase in temperature. As the shear strength increases, brittle failure is less likely and the higher temperature means that plastic deformations or creep are more likely to occur.

what are the internal and external controlling factors for deformation of rocks (explain how)?

Internal Controlling Factors: Strength: The strength of the rock determines the amount of deformation that can occur before it fractures. Different types of rocks have different strengths, so the amount of deformation that can occur will vary depending on the type of rock. 2. Temperature: The temperature of the rock determines the amount of deformation that can occur. When rocks are heated, they become more ductile and can deform more easily than when they are cold. 3. Composition: The chemical composition of the rock can also influence its ability to deform. Rocks with higher amounts of silica tend to deform more easily than rocks with lower amounts. External Controlling Factors: Pressure: The external pressure applied to the rock can influence the amount of deformation it can endure. Higher pressures tend to cause rocks to deform more easily than lower pressures. 2. Stress: The type of stress applied to the rock can also influence how much deformation it can endure. Different types of stresses can cause different amounts of deformation. 3. Time: The amount of time over which the deformation takes place can also influence the amount of deformation that can occur. Deformation can occur over

What changes occur when temperature and pressure inside Earth's crust change?

Deformation occurs

How is it possible for mantle rock to flow?

Mantle rock is composed of a type of igneous rock peridotite which has a high iron and magnesium content. This rock is so hard and dense that it is not able to flow like a liquid. However due to the high temperatures and pressures that are present in the mantle it is possible for mantle rock to flow like a plastic-like material. This process is called "plastic deformation". Plastic deformation occurs when temperatures and pressures are high enough to cause the atoms in the rock to rearrange themselves. This rearrangement allows the rock to become more malleable and it is able to bend and flow like a liquid. This process is responsible for many of the changes that occur in the mantle such as convection currents and plate tectonics. The process of plastic deformation is not easily observed as it occurs deep within the Earth. However scientists have been able to determine the amount of pressure and temperature necessary to cause plastic deformation in mantle rock. It is estimated that temperatures must be at least 2000 degrees Celsius and pressures must be at least 10000 times the atmospheric pressure at sea level in order for mantle rock to flow. In summary mantle rock is composed of peridotite a type of igneous rock that is so hard and dense that it is not able to flow like a liquid. However due to the high temperatures and pressures that are present in the mantle it is possible for mantle rock to flow like a plastic-like material through a process called "plastic deformation". This process is responsible for many of the changes that occur in the mantle such as convection currents and plate tectonics. Temperatures must be at least 2000 degrees Celsius and pressures must be at least 10000 times the atmospheric pressure at sea level in order for mantle rock to flow.

Why do some rocks bend while other rocks break?

This depends on the confining pressure, the temperature and the strain rate applied to the rock mass. In general, the lower the rate of strain, the more likely ductile or plastic deformation leading to bending or folding will occur. The higher the strain rate, the more likely brittle deformation is to occur, leading to the rock "breaking". As the confining pressure increases, a materials shear strength will increase (this usually coincides with a greater depth of burial) and due to the Earth's thermal gradient an increase in temperature. As the shear strength of the rock increases, the occurrence of brittle failure is less likely while the higher temperature means that plastic deformations are more likely to occur.

What are causing the sounds from barbecue hotplates when they are first heated or when they cool down?

When the barbique hot plates are heated or coolede down, due to the change in temperature there will be a minor deformation of the material. During this small deformation, the sounds occur.

When does plastic strain occur?

when this and that meets that and this

What are the advantages and disadvantage of cold working of a metal?

Cold working is the plastic deformation shaping process of metals which is performed below recrystallization temperature. Usually, recrystallization temperature is 40% of melting point temperature (TR=0.40xTM). Advantages are; no oxides on the surface after operation, no hydrogen embrittlement, lower costs for process and equipment, hardening from strain. Disadvantages are; stress in the body therefore mostly it needs recovery process, much more load power necessity for plastic deformation, it becomes brittle depends to cold working percentage.

Intense deformation and metamorphism occur in regions of intense compression These areas are associated with what type of tectonic boundary?

Convergent plate boundaries.