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Q: What Position of patient undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy is?
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What is the recovery time after Laparoscopic Gallbladder surgery?

After an uncomplicated Laparoscopic Gallbladder Surgery, patient can go home the same day or within 24hrs of operation. But, with an open cholecystectomy, patient need to stay in the hospital for two to three days.

What was the outcome of Operation Lindbergh's first complete human surgery?

The patient left the hospital within 48 hours--a typical stay following laparoscopic cholecystectomy--and had an uneventful recovery.

How does the patients activity resume after laparoscopic cholecystectomy?

The patient is usually allowed to shower on the second postoperative day. The patient is advised to gradually resume normal activities over a three-day period, while avoiding heavy lifting for about 10 days.

How is the patient prepared for a cholecystectomy?

No food and fluids after midnight. Enemas may be ordered. If vomiting is present, a suction tube may be inserted in the stomach and for laparoscopic procedures, a urinary drainage catheter may be used.

When is the patient discharged after cholecystectomy?

Within three to five days after surgery.

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What are the advantages of a laparoscopic pancreatectomy?

laparoscopic approaches decrease operative morbidity. The laparoscopic approach is commonly used to treat smaller adrenal tumors. At many laparoscopic centers, the laparoscopic adrenalectomy has become the standard practice

What does 'the patient has a history of cholecystectomy' mean?

Cholecystecomy is just a fancy medical word meaning "surgical removal of the gallbladder." A patient with a history of a cholecystecomy no longer has a gallbladder.

Is a hysterectomy possible for out patient surgery?

There is the possiblility of hysterectomy being preformed in out patient. The Supracervical laparoscopic is the name of the type of procedure that is commonly used.

How do you scrub prep a patient undergoing cosmetic surgery?

With your tongue ;)

How safe is laparoscopic surgery?

Laparoscopic surgery is very safe procedure because only 3–4 small cuts are made during this surgery and it involves very less complications to the patient. It minimizes the time spent by the patient in the hospital or in bed rest.

A patient has a cholecystectomy in completing the insurance claim form the assignment portion is left blank in error?

the claim gets denied