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Q: What Problems Did Eli Whitney While creating the cotton gin?
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How was Eli Whitney inspired for what he did?

Eli Whitney was inspired at Mrs. Greene's cotton plantation in Georgia. There he witnessed the hardship that slaves, experienced while harvesting cotton. This was so, because of the kind of cotton that was grown in most parts of the South, was very hard to clean by hand. Because of this Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin.

Why couldn't Eli Whitney get a patent on the cotton gin?

He had one. It took a while to get because the Patent Office thought he might have not made the first saw gin.Eli Whitney had a hard time defending his patent, though; he intended to gin cotton for people instead of selling gins to them. People figured out cotton gins aren't that hard to make and built their own, and Mr. Whitney went broke suing cotton farmers.

Why did slaves not take out the seeds in the cotton?

Your textbook should be discussing the Cotton Gin and Eli Whitney while discussing the progression of using raw cotton. The seeds were picked from the cotton until the gin and other tools were created to separate the seeds and cotton for them.

What was invented during George Washington presidency?

The cotton gin was patented in 1794 by Eli Whitney while Washington was President.

Was Thomas Edison alive when Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin?

No because Eli Whitney was born on 1765 and died on 1825 while Thomas Edison was born on 1847 and died on 1931.

Who invented the cotton gin?

Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin late in the 18th century. It greatly reduced the manpower required to harvest the cotton plant.The first cotton gin was invented in India during the 5th century, there is proof of this in the Ajanta caves.There is controversy over who invented the key element of the cotton gin, the wire hooks. Katherine Greene supporters cite the claim of a friend of a friend of the plantation foreman. While Whitney supporters, like myself, cite a letter to the editor of Southern Agriculturist magazine, whose author heard from shadowy sources that Whitney had asked Greene for a pin to experiment with at the start of his efforts. There is also the claim that Eli Whitney got the idea from some African slaves working on the plantation, and he just mechanized it. Nevertheless, Eli Whitney patented the cotton gin in 1714, and is given the credit of inventing the cotton gin.Also, green cotton was the only cotton that could survive in most of the south, and cotton gins are not used to hold the cotton, they only separate the seed from the cotton fibers. There was also another cotton gin in between Eli Whitney's and the single-roller cotton gin in China and India. It was called the double-roller cotton gin, invented during the medieval period.Ultimately, what is historically verifiable is that Whitney received the patent for the version of the cotton gin which revolutionized cotton production. As to who came up with which idea, and when, it's been the subject of any number of very sketchily supported claims for generations.The first cotton gin was invented in India during the 5th century, there is proof of this in the Ajanta caves.There is controversy over who invented the key element of the cotton gin, the wire hooks. Katherine Greene supporters cite the claim of a friend of a friend of the plantation foreman. While Whitney supporters, like myself, cite a letter to the editor of Southern Agriculturist magazine, whose author heard from shadowy sources that Whitney had asked Greene for a pin to experiment with at the start of his efforts. There is also the claim that Eli Whitney got the idea from some African slaves working on the plantation, and he just mechanized it. Nevertheless, Eli Whitney patented the cotton gin in 1714, and is given the credit of inventing the cotton gin.Also, green cotton was the only cotton that could survive in most of the south, and cotton gins are not used to hold the cotton, they only separate the seed from the cotton fibers. There was also another cotton gin in between Eli Whitney's and the single-roller cotton gin in China and India. It was called the double-roller cotton gin, invented during the medieval period.Ultimately, what is historically verifiable is that Whitney received the patent for the version of the cotton gin which revolutionized cotton production. As to who came up with which idea, and when, it's been the subject of any number of very sketchily supported claims for generations.

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he accidentally spilled acid on himself while working on it.

What problems did you encounter when creating the power point presentation?

You can create various issues while creating a presentation. Incompatibility across various versions is one of them.

In which state did Eli Whitney invent the cotton gin?

A cotton gin is a machine that quickly and easily separates cotton fibers from their seeds, allowing for much greater productivity than manual cotton separation.[2] The fibers are processed into clothing or other cotton goods, and any undamaged seeds may be used to grow more cotton or to produce cottonseed oil and meal.Although simple handheld roller gins have been used since at least 500 AD,[3] the first modern mechanical cotton gin was created by American inventor Eli Whitney in 1793, and patented in 1794. It used a combination of a wire screen and small wire hooks to pull the cotton through, while brushes continuously removed the loose cotton lint to prevent jams. Whitney's gin revolutionised the cotton industry in the United States, but also led to the growth of slavery in the American South, and has been identified as a contributing factor to the outbreak of the American Civil War.[4] Modern automated cotton gins offer far higher productivity than their hand-powered forebears.[5]

Will Whitney Houston and bobby brown reunite?

Even before Whitney died, there was no chance of the two getting back together. Their divorce was not friendly, and Bobby had a new love in his life, while Whitney was dating other people and trying to deal with her escalating drug and alcohol problems.

Did Kevin costner and Whitney Houston dislike each other while making the bodyguard?

No, there is no evidence that they disliked each other. In fact, Kevin was at Whitney's funeral and was very upset about her death. Some reports have said that Whitney was difficult to work with, due to her drug use and her insecurity, but at that time, Costner says he had no idea Whitney was on drugs; there is also not much proof that there were personal problems between the two stars.

What technological development led to an increased demand for slaves in the US during the early to mid-1800s?

Eli Whitney's cotton gin was a labour saving device which made cotton a profitable commodity. Before Whitney's invention a slave (in this case mostly a woman) needed a whole day to remove the seeds from a few pounds of cotton, a task now performed in minutes. This improvement led to the growth of cotton production in the Southern States of North America, where slavery - before this development - had remained on a relatively small scale (Jefferson and Washington were considered to be the largest slave owners of the colonies, while they never had more then a few hundred slaves.)