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Q: What Producers like this plant take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide during what?
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Producers use carbon dioxide in the process of?

They use carbon dioxide during photosynthesis, to make food.

What organisms release carbon dioxide?

Plants release carbon dioxide during the night time

What is release by the body as waste during respiration?

carbon dioxide

What do plants release during cell respiration?

plants 'breathe' in carbon dioxide and 'breathe' out oxygen

Where do producers obtain their energy?

They convert sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide into sugar and oxygen through a proccess called photosynthesis. They can use the sugar for energy and they release the oxygen back into the enviroment.

When does the first release of carbon dioxide happen during aerobic respiration?

During glycolosis.

When trees die do they release stored up carbon dioxide?

Well, trees don't really store carbon dioxide; they use the carbon dioxide directly to produce sugars during the Calvin cycle. When decomposers eat up those sugars, they release the carbon in the sugars in the form of carbon dioxide.

What gas is given off by plants during the photosynthetic release?

carbon dioxide

When does the first release of carbon dioxide occur during aerobic respiration?


What gas is formed during respiration?

The gas that is formed during respiration is carbon dioxide. Humans breathe in a mixture of nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide. Although, only oxygen is used. When humans exhale they release all of the nitrogen and more carbon dioxide than was inhaled.

What happens during photsynthesis?

During photosynthesis, plants and other producers get carbon dioxide from the air or water. Some of this carbon dioxide comes from people and other animals that release it when they breathe. Excess oxygen is released from the leaves into the air. Plants use some of the glucose for energy, store some to use later , and use some to build plant parts.

Fossil fuels release carbon dioxide during?

The burning and releasing of its energy. A lot of it is also transfered into carbon monoxide.