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John Calvin.

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Q: What Protestant reformer is most known for his work in Geneva?
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John Calvin has been called the pope of?

He was the Pope off Calvinism and Protestantism. He was against the catholic Pope. He lived most of his later life in Geneva and led a Protestant reform there, so he is known as the pope of Geneva.

Who wrote Institutes of the Christian Religion?

John Jean Calvin, Born 1509 (in Germany) - A Protestant Reformer & One of the most significant fuel of the Reformation.

Which Protestant reformer preached the doctine of predestination?

Predestination is most closely associated with John Calvin. See, for example, his Institutes of the Christian Relgion

Who was the most important protestant reformer other than Luther?

Probably Wycliffe, Hus or Calvin. In terms of long term impact I would probably say Calvin

What is the most popular tourist attraction in Geneva?

Lake Geneva is Geneva's most popular tourist attraction!

Geneva's most famous tourist attraction is?

Lake Geneva.

What protestant reformer preached the doctrine of predestination?

John Calvin. One of the effects of Luther's Reformation, Calvin rose up and started his own sect that is most famously none for the idea of predestination.

Why did most of northern Germany became protestant?

The protestant

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John Bunyon

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Sir Robert Peel is considered one of the most famous police reformers of the 19th century, not the 20th century. In the 20th century, August Vollmer is often recognized as a prominent police reformer for his contributions to modernizing policing practices in the United States, such as implementing the use of technology and emphasizing training and education for law enforcement officers.

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Booker T. Washington was born a slave. He was a educator and also a reformer. He was known as one of the most influential spokesman for black Americans between 1895 and 1915.

Does the us have more catholics or protestant?

Protestant, most churches such as Methodist or Baptist come from the protestant faith.