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Q: What Spartan king died from fighting the Persians at Thermopylae?
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How many died in battle of thermopylae?

about 20,000 Persians and 4000 Greeks.

How many Spartans sacrificed themselves at the Battle of Thermopylae?

It is estimated that there were three-hundred Spartan Hoplites who died in the defense of the pass at Thermopylae .

Which spartan king died at thermopylae?

300 Spartan armoured warriors who were the bodyguard of King Leodidas, one of the two kings of Sparta, and about 2000 of their supporting light infantry.Most of the remainder of the delaying force at Thermopylai, of about 7000 from other Greek cities, got away safely because the Spartan force stayed back to cover their withdrawal and died selflessly to let them get away.

Who led the Greek city-states in the battle of Thermopylae?

The Persians won the Battle of Thermopylae, led by Xerxes I. But Greece won the war. The Battle of Thermopylae happened in ancient Greece where 700 men made their final stand against the 300,000 Persians there were 300 hundred Spartans as well as 400 Greek soldiers from other city states. It is important to note that the Persian Victory came at a very high price. The Thespian and Spartan troops that fought and sacrificed their lives at the Battle of Thermopylae successfully weakened the Persian land forces to such an extent that naval victories like Salamis were able to convince the Persians to retreat.

Who was the king that died that was protecting Sparta from the Persians?

The name of the brave king who died in battle while protecting Sparta from the Persian was Leonidas. He died a heroic death at the Battle of Thermopylae in 480 B.C.

3 houndred Spartans died defending the pass of?

300 Spartan heavy infantry and their 2,100 light infantry, plus 1,400 Thespians died at the pass at Thermopylae.

What is Leonidas most famous for?

He led the delaying force against the Persian invasion at Thermopylae pass, and died holding off the Persians to allow the force to escape.

300 spartans died defending what pass?

Three hundred Spartans died defending the Pass of Thermopylae, also known as The Hot Gates. After the battle was over, the Persians gained control of Boeotia.

Who won the thermopylae war?

There was no 'Thrmopylai War'. there was a short engageent at Thermopylai as part of the Persian pust into southern Greece.

What was the outcome of the battle of thermopylae 480bc?

The persion and some of the Greeks escape while groups among the Greeks continuing fighting and all of them died

Where was the pass at in which 300 Spartans died?

The narrow coastal pass of Thermopylae . August or September 480 BC

Did the 300 Spartans in the Battle of Thermopylae really die?

Yes, the 300 Spartan hoplites with their 2,000 light infantry continued to hold the pass to let their 4,000 Greek allies escape and died to preserve them.