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Q: What Spoken lies that harm a person's reputation is a form of?
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What is written lies to harm someone reputation?

Defamation is the act of making false statements to harm someone's reputation. It can be in the form of libel (written) or slander (spoken). Legal action can be taken if the false statements are damaging to the person's reputation.

False speech intended to damage a persons reputation is known as?

Defamation. It includes libel (written false statement) and slander (spoken false statement) where a person intentionally spreads falsehoods about another person to harm their reputation.

What is a False SPEECH intended to damage a person's reputation?

A false speech intended to damage a person's reputation is called defamation. Defamation can be in the form of slander (spoken defamation) or libel (written defamation). It involves making false statements about someone that harm their reputation.

What is the term for spoken lies about a person?

The term for spoken lies about a person is "slander." Slander refers to making false spoken statements that harm someone's reputation.

Slander and libel are both forms of?

Libel is a statement in writing judged to harm the reputation of a person. Slander is a malicious report report uttered to damage a persons character. Both of these terms harm the reputation of the person they were charged against

What are Printed words that knowingly ruin a person's reputation?

The word "libel" is used to describe printed untrue statements intended to harm a person's reputation. Slander is the most common term for accusations that are spoken.

What is writings that are false and malicious and are intended to damage an individual?

That would be slander if spoken, and libel if written. Both involve making false statements that harm a person's reputation.

What is the difference between libel and defamation?

Defamation is a broader term that encompass both libel and slander. Libel specifically refers to defamatory statements that are written or published, while slander refers to defamatory statements that are spoken. Both libel and slander involve making false statements that harm a person's reputation.

What is printing lies messing up a persons reputation?

Printing lies can damage a person's reputation by spreading false information that can harm their credibility, integrity, and relationships with others. It can create misunderstandings and lead to trust issues, impacting the person's personal and professional life.

What is a written attack on a person's reputation?

A written attack on a person's reputation is commonly referred to as defamation. It involves making false statements about someone that harm their reputation, credibility, or standing in the community. Defamation can take the form of libel when the statement is made in writing.

Which word means to harm the reputation of?

The word you are looking for is "slander." Slander refers to making false and damaging statements about someone with the intention to harm their reputation.

Is Defamation is one persons use of anothers name without permission?

No, defamation refers to making false statements that harm someone's reputation. It is not simply the use of another person's name without permission. Defamation involves communicating false information about someone to a third party, causing damage to their reputation.