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Gonorrhea is caused by gonococcus, a berry-shaped bacteria.

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Q: What Std has berry-shaped bacteria?
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what STD that is caused by a not by bacteria or a virus?

Most STD's are caused by Bacteria. To give a few examples: Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia... (etc)

Can an STD lead to chlamydia?

Chlamydia is an STD caused by the bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis. Other STDs do not cause, turn into, or lead to chlamydia.

Is trachomatis the same as trichomonas?

Trachomatis is not the same as trichomonas. Chlamydia trachomatis is a bacterial STD, and trichomonas vaginalis is a protozoal STD.

How many people get killed by bacteria in a week?

The amount of people you're Mom looked at because she had STD's.

Are there any STD that have not yet been found?

This question is an oxymoron. Yes, of course. Bacteria and Virus are always evolving. They are not static.

Do STD have a smell to them?

The one that most commonly causes a foul odor is vaginal trichomoniasis.mostly bacteria infections- and U T I's

What is gonerella?

Gardnerella is a bacteria that can be found in the vagina, and can contribute to bacterial vaginosis. Gonorrhea is a bacterial STD. I hope that one of those answered your question.

What are chlamydiae?

Chlamydiae are a phylum of bacteria that are obligate intracellular parasites. One of these is Chlamydia trachomatis, which causes the STD chlamydia (See related question "What is chlamydia?" for information on the STD.) Bacteria in the chlamydia family that causes disease include C. trachomatis, C. psittaci, and C. pneumonia. There are other chlamdyia species that cause diseases in other animals, as well as species that cause no illness.

Is the Chlamydia in psittacosis same as the STD and could it show up in a vaginal culture?

Chlamydia psittaci is a different bacteria from the one that causes the STD known as chlamydia. That infection is caused by Chlamydia trachomatis. The tests for chlamydia are built to avoid cross-reaction with Chlamydia psittaci.

Pissed in a cup clean pee no blood or bacteria discomfort in penis almost like somethings in it tested for std came up negative what could it be?

If an STD was ruled out, a possible kidney stone or chip can be blocking the urethra. Ask the physician to check you for keloids or kidney stones.

How do you use sin in c plus plus?

#include<iostream> int main() { std::cout << "sin(1) = " << std::sin(1.0) << std::endl; std::cout << "cos(1) = " << std::cos(1.0) << std::endl; std::cout << "tan(1) = " << std::tan(1.0) << std::endl; std::cout << "asin(1) = " << std::asin(1.0) << std::endl; std::cout << "acos(1) = " << std::acos(1.0) << std::endl; std::cout << "atan(1) = " << std::atan(1.0) << std::endl; } Output: sin(1) = 0.841471 cos(1) = 0.540302 tan(1) = 1.55741 asin(1) = 1.5708 acos(1) = 0 atan(1) = 0.785398

How do you split a string in delimit c plus plus?

#include<iostream> #include<vector> #include<string> std::vector<std::string> parse (const std::string& s, const char delim) { std::vector<std::string> result {}; auto start = 0U; auto end = s.find (delim); while (end != s.npos) { result.push_back (s.substr(start, end - start)); start = ++end; end = s.find (delim, start); } result.push_back (s.substr (start, s.npos - start)); return result; } std::vector<std::string> parse (const std::string& s, const std::string& delim) { std::vector<std::string> result {}; auto start = 0U; auto end = s.find (delim); while (end != s.npos) { result.push_back (s.substr(start, end - start)); start = end + delim.length(); end = s.find (delim, start); } result.push_back (s.substr (start, s.npos - start)); return result; } int main() { std::string str1 = "This is a string that will be parsed by a single-space delimiter."; std::string str2 = "This==is==a==string==that==will==be==parsed==by==equal==operator."; std::string str3 = "This string has no delimiter."; std::cout << str1 << std::endl; std::vector<std::string> v1 = parse (str1, ' '); for (auto i : v1 ) std::cout << i << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << str2 << std::endl; std::vector<std::string> v2 = parse (str2, "=="); for (auto i : v2 ) std::cout << i << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << str3 << std::endl; std::vector<std::string> v3 = parse (str3, '\\'); for (auto i : v3 ) std::cout << i << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; }