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poisons such as alcohol (:

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amino acids

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Q: What Substances broken down by stomach enzymes?
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In the stomach feed is broken down by what?


Are enzymes broken down?

yes it can be broken down by the villi in the stomach walls

What produces substances that stop stomach acid action and enzymes that break down organic nutrients?

The pancreas

How can lysomes be compared with something?

You could compare lysosomes to your stomach as they are the cell's " stomach " when they use their digestive enzymes to break down such substances as proteins.

Do men have an enzyme in their stomach that breaks down alcohol?

Enzymes in the stomach act to break down a proportion of the alcohol taken in by a person. However most of the alcohol is broken down in the liver. However, these enzymes are less active in women than in men.

What kind of molecule performs chemical digestion in the stomach?

Protein is the only nutrient broken down in the stomach. This is because only protease enzymes are present in the stomach acid.

What enzymes are used in a range of Cheeses in production?

Cheese is made up of proteins and fats. Proteins are broken down by a combination of stomach acid, or hydrochloric acid, and enzymes called proteases. Fats are broken down by a combination of bile, which emulsified the fat, and enzymes called lipases.

Where After food is ingested where does it go?

goes down your esophagus and into your gut or stomach where it is broken down by enzymes and stomach acids, then proceeds to your small intestines and then to your large intestines and then is pushed out of your anal cavity

What substance used to break down food?

Food is broken down using your teeth, saliva(spit), enzymes and a strong acid in your stomach which is called Hydrochloric Acid.

Without digestive enzymes the meal is useless to the body is this statement valid?

Yes. In order for the body to use food, the food must be broken down into it's most basic elements. Complex carbohydrates are broken into simple carbohydrates, proteins are broken down into amino acids and fats are broken down into fatty acids. Some of this break down takes place because of the acids in your stomach, but enzymes in the stomach and mouth are required to further dismantle food into usable nutreints.

What word best describes the function of the stomach?

The stomach is used to break down food using acids and enzymes. The food particles are broken down into smaller pieces during the process of digestion.

What body part breaks down food?

In your mouth, saliva from your salivary glands chemically breaks down carbohydrates and lipids. Your stomach chemically breaks down food with hydrochloric acid and makes the food soupy. Enzymes and other substances continue the break down of food in the small intestine. So, food is chemically broken down in the mouth, stomach, and small intestine.