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The pancreas

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Q: What produces substances that stop stomach acid action and enzymes that break down organic nutrients?
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What produces substances that stop acid action and enzymes that break down organic nutrients?


How does the a fungus obtain nutrients?

Fungi obtains nutrients from organic substances through its cells. These cells help digest enzymes that help to break down the organic substances in order to digest them easier.

Define autotroph and heterotroph?

An autotroph is an organism that can form organic substances from inorganic substances. A heterotroph is an organism that gets its nutrients from complex organic substances.

Organisms that are able to manufacture organic nutrients from substances in the abiotic environment are?

Organisms that are able to manufacture organic nutrients in the a biotic environment are classified..?

What organic substances do plants use to make food?

Enzymes - of all descriptions and types.

What do bacteria eat and how do they eat it?

dead organic material. they secrete digestive enzymes then absorb the nutrients.

Organisms that manufacture organic nutrients are called?

Organisms that manufacture organic nutrients from inorganic substances, such as carbon dioxide, are called primary producers. They are also referred to as autotrophs.

Is an enzyme a vitamin or mineral?

Neither. Enzymes are proteins, with vitamins being coenzimes (organic) and minerals being inorganic substances,

Which three substances must be presented in mitochondria for the process of aerobic respiration to take place?

oxygen,enzymes and organic molecules

What organisms that secrete digestive enzymes externally to digest dead organic food are called?

Saprotrophic bacteria and fungi secrete digestive enzymes into dead organic matter in order to decompose it, and recycle it's nutrients (such as carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorous)

Is enzymes organic?


What does detrivorous animal mean?

an animal that depends on organic substances to survive that obtains nutrients by consuming decomposing matter