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Q: What Suffix means incision (cutting into tissue)?
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What is the difference between ectomy and otomy?

Both suffixes refer to surgical procedures, with "-ectomy" indicating the removal of a body part (e.g., tonsillectomy for removal of tonsils) and "-otomy" indicating an incision into a body part without necessarily removing it (e.g., tracheotomy for creating an opening in the windpipe).

What is the medical term meaning process of cutting?

the ending form is -otomy and the beginning of the word would be the part of the body being cut into. Example cholecystotomy and cholelithotomy are cutting into the gallbladder (usually to remove a gallstone).

Does the medical terminology combining form -otomy mean cutting into or surgical incision?

Yes, the medical terminology combining form -otomy does indeed mean cutting into or surgical incision. It is often used in medical terms to indicate a surgical procedure involving the cutting of a specific part of the body.

Does everyone in America get incision?

"Incision" means cutting into something, as in surgery. Are you asking if everyone in America has surgery? No...

What is an incision of a bone called?

Osteotomy Oste/o means bone with combining vowel -tomy is a suffix for "incision" or "to cut into"

Is tomy a prefix?

It is a suffix that means cutting

What is the suffix for tonsillectomy?

The suffix in tonsillectomy is -ectomy which means to cut out or remove by cutting.

What is medical term for Incision?

-tom is the medical terminology combining form meaning to cut or incision. For instance, keratotomy is cutting the cornea, and computed tomography is the process of using a computer to make virtual cuts to visualize internal structures.

What means surgical incision?

An incision is a cut. In surgery it is the cut made through the skin to get to the tissue or organs below.

What is the medical term meaning cutting?

it might be excision as that meant out process.

What is difference between the sphincterotomy and sphincterectomy?

The suffix -otomy means cutting in to, not necessarily cutting out. The suffic -ectomy means cutting out. So a spincterotomy would be cutting into the spincter and a sphincterectomy would be removal of the sphincter

What is histocytic?

The suffix -ic means pertaining to. The prefix hist- means tissue. The prefix cyt- means cell So histocytic means pertaining to the tissue and cells.