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Q: What Tariff led to retaliatory tariffs in countries?
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What occurred when tariffs were high on Hawaiian exports in the 1890s?

The high tariffs in Hawaii caused by the McKinley Tariff of 1890 led to the overthrow of Queen Liliʻuokalani.

How did the Hawley Smoot Tariff help make the Depression worse?

The Hawley-Smoot Tariff raised prices on foreign imports, making it impossible for them to compete in American markets. This in turn led foreign countries to retaliate by enacting their own tariffs. While Hawley-Smoot didn't cause the Depression, this sort of protectionism was not at all helpful; rather than protecting American products, it simply led to trade wars, and harmed the economy by making it harder to engage in international business. Thus, many historians believe it made a bad situation worse.

What was Harrison's position on tariffs and what did he do to support that stand?

Harrison favored protective tariffs to benefit American industries and farmers. As President, he signed the McKinley Tariff Act of 1890, which raised tariffs to their highest level in American history. This move was intended to protect domestic industry but led to higher consumer prices and contributed to the economic downturn of the 1890s.

What was the American economy in the 1820s?

During the 1820s, America was just coming out of the Panic of 1819. The U.S. was still in a depression. The Northern and Southern states disputed about tariffs (Tariff of Abominations), which led to the agreement of the price of tariffs being lovered to the prices of tariffs in 1816, and the Force Bill, which allows the President of the United States to use the militia against a state that did not pay its taxes.

Why did southern states object to and resist the tariffs of 1828 and 1832?

The southerners bought more foreign goods than the northerners did. So this kind of led to sectionalism because the northerners thought differently and the southerners were angry because it this tariff affected a lot of people.

Explain the events that led to the nullification crisis and explain how the crisis came to an end. consider the issues of tarrifs and states rights in your response?

South Carolina wouldn't pay the tariffs and they threatened to nullify national laws. President Jackson signed the Tariff Compromise proposed by Henry Clay. The Tariff Compromise said it would gradually lower the tariffs over a course of 10 years. South Carolina agreed to that compromise

How much import duty do you need to pay for a LED TV purchased from Bangkok?

It depends which country you are importing it to. Different countries have different tariffs.

South Carolina's unhappiness with newly developed tariffs eventually led to the?

Nullification Crisis.

Explain how farmer and labor discontent with republican party's high tariff and high spending policies of the 1890's led to Cleveland's victory and the rise of the populists in 1892?

In an effort to push down public spending, the Republicans enacted tough fiscal policies While farmers and labor initially favored tariffs, revisions of the original tariffs forced prices up so much that by the presidential race of 1892, many previous supporters now favored tariff reform and defected to the Democrat, Cleveland. Promises of free silver and the 8-hour work day made the Populist platform popular.

What major event led to the end of nearly all protective tariffs in the US?

the great depression

What was the famous tariff Nullification controversy?

In response to tariffs laid on South Carolina by President Andrew Jackson, a number of South Carolina citizens endorsed the states' rights to nullification of tariffs. South Carolina declared the tariffs of of 1828 and 1832 null and void through the Ordinance of Nullification. This led to President Jackson sending a small amount of naval vessels to South Carolina in November 1832.

What action led weathly planters in Hawaii to fear?

the imposition of a new u.s. tariff on Hawaiian sugar