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Q: What Texas birds lay white eggs?
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What Michigan birds lay white eggs?

Michigan birds that lay white eggs could be an American Robin, American Crow, Bald Eagle, etc.

Do toucans lay eggs or have babies?

Generally they lay beitween 2 and 4 white eggs

Do birds lay eggs or not?

yes birds lay eggs

Do hamsters lay white eggs?

No! Hamsters are mammals that give birth to live young, not lay eggs like birds do.

Which birds does not lay egg?

all birds lay eggs.

Do Flamingo lay eggs?

Yes, they are birds and birds lay eggs.

Do lyre birds lay eggs?

Yes All birds lay eggs

Do birds have babies or do they lay eggs?

They lay eggs

Which garden bird lays white eggs?

Small white eggs can come from mourning doves or some sort of woodpecker.

Do birds give birth or lay eggs to live young?

birds lay eggs

How are anphibians and birds like?

amphibians lay eggs, and positively birds lay eggs.

Do roseate spoobill birds lay eggs?

Yes, all birds lay eggs.