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Q: What The Civil War cause which state to split over the issue of slavery?
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Why did West Virginia split from Virginia during the civil war?

Virginia was split in two over the issue of slavery.

What were the main issue in the civil war they were fighting for?

The civil war was about slavery the united states split and the southern states wanted slavery but the northern states said every one has to follow the laws that forbid slavery

What harm did slavery cause the US?

Slavery split the US govn't in half and almost destroyed America in itself because of the civil war.

What does political cause in civil war mean?

The Civil War political cause is based on beyond the official stance, what was the real political reason for the Civil War. The Democrats, by then known as the Slave Party, believed that slavery was protected by the Constitution, and that northerners were determined to end slavery and destroy the system they had grown wealthy with. The Republicans were former Whigs, to whom the abolition of slavery was important enough for them to split from the Whigs to form a party that would have this issue as its main focus. Lincoln, a Republican, was much more ambivalent about the issue of slavery than many of his more radical brethren. His main concern was keeping the Union intact.

What issue caused a split in the methodist episcopal church in 1844?

The Methodist Church split into a northern and a southern division over the issue of slavery.

What were some failures of slavery?

That the country split in half and had civil war.

What became the major issue in the United states in the 1850s and what was different about the way voters were split on the issue?

the expansion of slavery

Which state split in two over slavery issue and became two states?


How did the slavery issue affect the Democratic Party in the 1860 presidental election?

The slavery issue caused the northern and southern democratics to split up and have two different democratic parties.

What is the final outcome of the national split over the slavery issue?

well of course i wouldnt know

What did the slavery issue have on the democratic and Whig parties?

The issue of slavery split the party. "Conscience Whigs" in the North favored the abolition of slavery and halting the institution's spread into new territories. The "Cotton Whigs" in the South took the opposite viewpoints

After the Second Great Awakening the split in Christian communities on the issue of slavery was based upon?

regional lines