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"Today" rhetoric refers to using current events, trends, or issues in persuasive communication to make arguments more relevant and impactful to the audience. It involves addressing contemporary themes or concerns to connect with listeners or readers on a timely basis.

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In terms of rhetoric ethos refers to?

In rhetoric, ethos refers to: A.the persona of the writer or speaker.B.the argument of the writer or speaker.C.the audience listening to an argument.D.the logical content of an argument.elements of an arguement that enhance the credibility of the speaker.

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What term refers to a speaker's use of persuasive language to persuade an audience?


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What does rhetoric refer to today?

The art of persuasion in any medium

What does rhetoric refer today?

The art of persuasion in any medium

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In terms of rhetoric persuasion refers to?

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How has the term rhetoric changed between ancient Greek times and today?

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In terms of rhetoric ethos refers?

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