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Q: What Types of specialized cells primarily provides structural support for an animal's body?
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What does the cytoskeleton do for animals?

The cytoskeleton provides structural support and helps filter and facilitate the movement of materials into and out of the cell.

Why do plants and animals use lipids?

Primarily for the construction of the Cell Membrane; secondarily for the construction of specialized Cell membranes, and thirdly for Metabolism.

What polysaccharide provides structural support for animals?

You are probably very familiar when we use the terms cellulose, pectin or chitin. These are all examples of structural polysaccharides. Another one is arabinoxylans. Cellulose, pectin and arabinoxylans are found mostly in plants while chitin is found in exoskeletonsof animals.

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Why do you think cells are so specialized and complex in plants and animals?

Cells are so specialized to carry out all the complex functions in animals and plants.

What does provides feed for animals mean?

it provides food for the animals

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An arboreal snake is one that dwells primarily in trees.monkey

Animal structural adaptation example?

Animals can camoflauge

What are the specialized structures that animals use in feeding?

There are many specialized structures that animals use in feeding. Some animals use sharp teeth while others use sheer arm power.

Are there specialized cells to help animals brains communicate withother parts of their body?

Yes. They are specialized cells. (:

What is a structural adaptaation?

an adaptation where an animals body is made to survive

Why do animals need carbs?

For energy mostly, but is also structural.