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Q: What US general did the Germans fear most?
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Which city has the most Germans in the US?

By population, New York, New York contains the most Germans. By percentage, Monterey, Ohio has the most Germans.

What was the reason most Germans emigrated to the US?

There were multiple reasons why Germans emigrated to the US in large numbers. One significant reason was economic opportunities. Many Germans sought better economic conditions and job prospects in the US, especially during times of economic hardship in Germany. Additionally, political and social factors such as religious freedom, social unrest, and conflicts also influenced German emigration to the US.

What is the most prominent fear of people in the US?

public speaking is the #1 fear in the US

Which city in the us has the most German ancestry?

By population, New York, New York contains the most Germans. By percentage, Monterey, Ohio has the most Germans.

Where do most Germans live in the US?

Most Germans in the US live in urban areas with large populations such as New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Philadelphia. There are also significant German communities in states like Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Wisconsin.

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Because we fear losing it.

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The general of the U.S.

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most likely fear or as adventure

How is German the most common nationality in the us?

Most Germans that were not NAZI's got out of Germany while they were able to before WW2.

How did the US react to fear of Anarchists in the early 1900?

The us governments response to the rise of these political philosophies was to demonize them and instill fear of them. They are the reason there is fear in the first place. Who has more fear of the end of government or capitalism than the people who benefit from them the most?

Did US or German subs sink more ships?

The Germans sunk more, cause the US didn't have many, and most of them were in the Pacific.

Who lead the allies on D-day and defeated the Germans in western Europe?

The principal Allied Commanders were Eisenhower, Bradley & Patton of the US. Montgomery was the senior British General. The Germans were nominally under von Rundstedt & Rommel.